The Hyve Podcast

The Academy for Missional Entrepreneurs

Episode Summary

SEO expert Rob Bertholf shares his vision of Advent Ventures - a sustainable network of homesteads with an academy for missional entrepreneurs.

Episode Notes

Rob Bertholf's newest startup is much more than just an Adventist venture studio: it's an accelerator, a network of homesteads and a witnessing opportunity for seekers. 

It all started when Rob shared the Gospel with visitors on his farm who were willing to stay and work there for a limited period of time. He discovered that it is possible to build a sustainable network of homesteads by including missional entrepreneurship. Three groups, when working together closely, can generate income, witness to seekers and enjoy country living privileges. 


Connect with Rob:

Advent Ventures: the website

Theological (Logical Theology) - Facebook Group

Rob's Website


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