The Hyve Podcast

How to Rank #1 on Google

Episode Summary

SEO expert Rob Bertholf answers a question that probably every SDA business owner has asked at some point... how can I rank #1 on Google?

Episode Notes

Rob Bertholf has worked as a marketer and SEO expert for many years, helping Silicon Valley companies make dozens of millions of dollars. He can easily break down complicated and technical procedures and make them easy for amateurs & beginners to understand. In this episode, Rob shares to what SEO (search engine optimization) is, why it's important, and how we can rank all the way at the top of the first page of Google. It's not an easy or quick matter, but a solid foundation on this topic helps us to estimate how we can use search engines & rankings to showcase our businesses and win people to Christ.

If you would like to dive deeper into the topic of SEO, check out the presentation Rob mentioned during the episode:

Are you interested in free resources? Check out Hyve's resources page.

Rob has dozens of presentations on faith and business. Check them out here and request access to his private library.