The Hyve Podcast

How to Reach Your Goals

Episode Summary

Vincent Bujor shares practical tips how to set and reach goals for your missional business. This can be applied to your faith-based business, your personal life and your ministry projects.

Episode Notes

This week, host Vincent Bujor shares some practical tips on how to reach your goals as a missional entrepreneur.
Back in 1903, Ellen G. White wrote a brilliant piece of literature called "Education." In one of her chapters, she briefly mentions goals as well. And now, almost 120 years later, best-selling books are published that reiterate her inspired words.


Here's how you can practically break down your goals. Formulate a SOMEDAY GOAL, then break it down into a 5-YEAR GOAL, followed by a 1-YEAR GOAL, a MONTHLY GOAL, a WEEKLY GOAL and of course a DAILY GOAL. Instead of looking at the big task and feeling overwhelmed, break it down into little pieces and use the right timing to work on your "ONE Thing" as often as you can. Pausing long enough to plan before you start working is crucial. This method or strategy is extremely helpful if you're aspiring to become a missional entrepreneur but you're still employed and need to start your side hustle. It also works well for your existing missional business - focus more, formulate clear goals for your company and stick to them.

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